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In-House Security Management

The Solution To Enhance In-House Security Programs

Clients who desire to maintain their own security personnel can utilize Valentis through a concept called Embedded Security Manager (ESM). An Embedded Security Manager is a dedicated security manager to the client. The individual is tasked with various responsibilities and is supported on the backend by the Valentis organization. The responsibilities include, but not limited to providing oversight, management, and all supervisory duties of the client’s hired security personnel. The ESM is integrated into the daily operation of our client and reports directly within their chain of command. This qualified individual is placed by Valentis fully capable of fulfilling a client's open security manager or director position within a private or public organization who currently has or is exploring the idea of employing their own security personnel.

The ESM methodology is designed to provide the client an ability to retain its personnel and relies on the risk management, training, and operational capabilities of Valentis to equip and provide a professional staff to support the client's mission. Clients can reduce costs and risk when utilizing this concept. Rates are designed to be inclusive of all services rendered. Invoices are structured on a weekly basis with tiered incentive-based discounts for quarterly and/or annual billing.

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The Valentis ESM concept provides benefits when incorporated: 

  • All training is provided to client security staff. Training includes, but not limited to defensive tactics, handcuffing, firearms, OC Pepper Spray, Baton, Taser, active assailant response and preparedness.
  • Establishes the client’s Standard Operating Procedures for their security staff
  • Provides safety and security risk based consulting that includes updating Emergency Action Plan, Evacuation Plans, Security Plans, and all other applicable safety plans
  • Provides preparedness, training, and exercising on all security and safety matters to non-security guard personnel as needed
  • Provides Human Resource support to streamline hiring, terminating, or disciplining security employees
  • Provides Valentis technology for use within the client's daily operation 
  • Provides the client resources that include Valentis technology
  • Pre-screening and background checks for new hires