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Our Mission Statement

Our Mission

To provide comprehensive, high-quality security services to a variety of clients utilizing professionally and superiorly trained personnel.
No empty promises, with Valentis, you’re safe.

Our Values


Valentis only makes assurances on results that we know we can deliver. Understanding the client's needs and the necessary steps it takes to achieve the client's expectations requires years of experience backed with proven results. No empty promises, no failed clients.


Valentis only provides professionally trained, quality-driven personnel qualified to our expectations. Security personnel must present a professional and competent appearance that will instill confidence in the public. This delivers a true measure of security.

High Quality

Valentis offers a high-quality designed service to protect the interests of our clients in the field and behind the scenes. Our most experienced clients respect our position and embrace it. They understand the value and the need to protect themselves and the organization they work for.

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Providing A True Measure Of Security

While any security company might be content with providing a client with an untrained uniformed guard, we are different. At Valentis, every member of our team receives the same level of training according to our high standards, irrespective of their background or prior experience. This ensures that both our organization and our personnel possess the skills and assurance needed to deliver meaningful and valuable security services in any setting or situation. We refer to this as "A True Measure Of Security."