Special Event Security
Protecting Event Organizer Interests
Our objective during the engagement with an event organizer is to shift responsibility away from them so that Valentis can absorb the risk. The Valentis solution is essential because the mere presence of uniformed personnel does not mitigate the entire risk profile. It is a combination of defined concepts designed to address security gaps and vulnerabilities that lead to scenarios of concern.
Valentis delivers a complete event security program that provides integration of the Incident Command System (ICS) and National Incident Management System (NIMS) that focuses on emphasizing the development of successful partnerships that utilize local, state, and federal public safety stakeholders.

Incident action plan and pre-event operational planning, risk analysis and counter-terrorism strategies, stakeholder partnership development, unified command
Personnel (high profile and low profile), canine explosive detection and patrol, drone services, intelligence, mobile patrol, communications
Incident Management
Event safety coordinator, incident communications, adverse weather tracking, public information plan, crisis management spokesperson, After Action Report